
From now on, families with children in the most difficult circumstances will be able to receive funds for rehabilitation and recreation

 On May 9, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution introducing the "money follows the child" mechanism for paying for rehabilitation and recreation services for children in need of special social attention and support. 

The mechanism will be implemented as part of a pilot project that will test the proposed mechanics of monetizing such payments. 

From now on, families with children who find themselves in the most difficult conditions - living in the territories that were under temporary occupation, in the zone of active hostilities, on the border with the Russian Federation, low-income and having children belonging to such categories as a child with a disability (capable of self-care) or a child from a large family - will be able to receive funds for health improvement and recreation. 

Parents (persons in loco parentis) of children who meet the above criteria will be notified of their eligibility to receive funds to pay for health and recreation services by email. 

The project will start on June 1. Children aged 7-18 will be able to improve their health under the program. Thus, from the beginning of summer, families whose children meet the above criteria will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to improve their children's health in the Carpathians. 

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